Join a Group

Go on a

7 week journey 

with Pastor & Author Noah Filipiak and his team through the Beyond the Battle small group curriculum.


This group is for every guy ages 18+. Guys in their 20s and guys in their 70’s have gotten incredible fruit out of the same group.
At the conclusion of your 7 weeks, you’ll be invited into our free BTB alumni community featuring weekly Zoom calls, Slack, Marco Polo, and (paid) in-person retreats.

Register to join the waiting list.

Additional Info

  • Groups are capped at 9 members each.  Registration fee is $105 (Scholarships Available). Guys on the waiting list will get a discount code for the final registration from the Admin via email. 
  • Secure your spot on the waiting list with at $20 non-refundable deposit. We are doing this so that the guys who sign up are committed to start when we have at least 3 participants ready for the day and time that you choose. 
  • No refunds. Your registration fee can be transferred to an upcoming group if you can’t make the one you initially signed up for. If you need to opt out altogether, it will go into our scholarship fund.
  • You will need to have your own copy of the 2021 Zondervan edition of Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to His Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World.
  • Upon completion, you are invited to our six FREE weekly alumni Zoom meetings for accountability, devotions, community, and review. PLUS a free Marco Polo group invite and free Slack Group Chat with BtB leaders and alumni. You’ll also be invited to our two annual BtB in-person retreats.


Every guy ages 18+. Guys in their 20s and guys in their 70’s have gotten incredible fruit out of the same group.

Yes!  But it’s not only for you.  So if you don’t struggle with porn, this group is for you too!

Each group is led by a trained and experienced Beyond the Battle leader.  Noah will join your group in-person for your first and last session.  The first is to help you be comfortable in your group and the last is to help with any unanswered questions or concerns you have after completing the material.  Noah will be walking with your group leader throughout each week.  Your group leader will receive your Accountability Cards and Noah will be there to help him reply to anything you’re going through, as needed. Meet the Leader Team below. Noah is present at all of the Saturday weekly alumni meetings.

After your group is over, all BTB online alumni are invited to join a free weekly Zoom call with Noah on Saturdays as we continue our rhythms of community, conversation, and accountability together. There is also a free midweek check-in meeting for alumni. You’ll also be invited to join our Beyond the Battle retreats, held twice a year around the country.

No!  This really isn’t one of those groups.  Those groups have their place, but this is truly a group for all guys.  This group and this book are about our identity in Christ, which is something we all need.  And we all just so happen to live in an oversexualized world.  As you see in the image below, this group will teach you how to find your identity in Christ, and then how to apply it as the cure to every aspect of your life within an oversexualized world.  We use the cure of the disease to pick off each individual symptom, which is going to look different in each man’s unique life.

Men learn to go from “Don’t look!” to “Why would I even want to look?”

Put simply, these groups are consistently effective at getting men to discover the cure to their sexual sin, rather than batting around at the symptoms.  Read our testimonials for more details.

You’ll get a weekly accountability card that will only been viewed by you and Noah and your group leader.  The group sessions focus on discussion about the cure, not about making guys confess their sins from that week.  Guys often will share stuff they’re struggling with, but that’s totally up to them and isn’t asked directly in the group sessions.  You and your group leader will have private email conversations consistently throughout the 7 weeks together that will cover both sexual sin accountability, as well as accountability in reading through the material and spending daily time with the Lord (don’t worry, we talk at length about how to do this effectively).

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ou would think, right?  We have consistently found the opposite to be true.  We form real community and at the end of our 7 weeks, it feels like the last day of camp when you don’t want to leave your friends!  You will actually form lifelong friendships within these groups.  There’s something about the ease of the virtual connection and that we’re all here intentionally and for the same reason that really clicks the relationships into place.  Many of the guys testify that the online group is better than any in-person group they’ve ever had!  Here’s one testimony from a BTB alumni regarding this question:

“Meeting random people online to talk about my sins was a little unnerving. Once the group started it was a breath of fresh air…This was a great experience with a great group of guys.”

$105. (Scholarships Available).

 Included in this price is:

  • One Free Month of Covenant Eyes’ Screen Accountability software (new Covenant Eyes customers only)
  • One Free Month of Accountable2You Software(new A2U customers only)
  • 7-week small group led by a trained leader who has been though a Beyond the Battle group himself.  Author Noah Filipiak will join you in person for your first and last session and will be guiding your leader throughout your 7 weeks.
  • Thorough personal coaching, accountability, and interaction with your group leader throughout the week, overseen by Noah.
  • After your group is over, all BTB online alumni are invited to join a free weekly Saturday Zoom call with Noah as we continue our rhythms of community, conversation, and accountability together.
  • We also have a midweek check-in Zoom meeting for alumni.
  • The opportunity for a weekly one on one check-in with another BtB alumni.
  • Invitation to Beyond the Battle retreats, held twice a year around the country
  • You will grow in your relationship with Jesus, learning new and fresh ways to interact with him and his love for you.
  • You will find greater freedom greater freedom from lust, pornography, and fantasy.

To put it simply, this group works.

No. Your registration fee can be transferred to an upcoming group if you can’t make the one you initially signed up for. If you need to opt out altogether, it will go into our scholarship fund. The reason we do this is to remove all obstacles to getting you into the life-transforming group and community that you need. Satan will try everything he can to get you to bail once you sign up. By not allowing refunds, we keep as much motivation as we can to get you to the starting line.

You will read through the Beyond the Battle book throughout the week, 2-3 pages per day. There are no long videos to watch, no long homework assignments to do and no workbooks to fill out. You’ll also be learning to create a daily rhythm of time spent with the Lord each day. Our group times last an hour and a half. We watch a 5 minute video and then work through Noah’s small group questions that relate to the previous week’s reading.

You’ll need WiFi, a webcam, and some headphones. You can converse on Zoom from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

New groups are popping up all the time.  Groups are 7 weeks long.  Fill out our availability / reservation form now.

You will sign a covenant (agreement) that you will not miss any weeks and will arrive on time, barring any unforeseen emergencies. It’s essential for the trust and community of the group, as well as its effectiveness in your life, that everyone be there for all 7 weeks.

Have more questions? Contact Us.

Group Member Testimonials

“I’ve been through the course twice in the last year, and it has changed my life. The reason why I did it a second time is that I wanted to cement the new patterns and lessons I learned the first time. The second time through was even better and deeper than the first! Praise God for Beyond the Battle!”
“I’m walking in new freedom from sexual sin, increasing daily connection with Jesus, and experiencing more of God’s mercy and presence.”
“Seeing Jesus as my only source of acceptance, approval, affirmation and validation is helping me to reform my identity in him, and free me from the lies of the world and my own lies about who I am and what I am worth.”
“I am really thrilled with my experience in this group. God used this mightily in my life!”
“The book Beyond the Battle is an amazing book. To go into all the ways it has helped me would take forever.”
“Meeting random people online to talk about my sins was a little unnerving. Once the group started it was a breath of fresh air…This was a great experience with a great group of guys.”
“With a better understanding of what lusting, etc. does to belittle women in general and how our spouses specifically are devastated, the revulsion steers us in a far better direction: towards the love of Jesus for us and for us in Him.”
“The biggest breakthrough I had, was realizing with the Lord’s help that I don’t need a woman in my life to meet my needs and make me ok! I put that idol to death and it made room for a lot of freedom and healing to pour into me from the Lord, which is still happening. Praise God!”

Meet the Leaders

Noah joins our groups for weeks 1 & 7, with groups led by an experienced team leader:


Noah Filipiak

I’ve been married since 2004 and have 3 beautiful daughters. I’ve been a pastor since 2005, planting Crossroads Church in Lansing, MI where I pastored for 13 years. I’m now on the pastor team at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. I’m the author of Beyond the Battle: A man’s guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world (Zondervan) and a grad of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. I enjoy running, writing, and playing board games. The nerdier the game the better! I’m also a die-hard Cincinnati Reds fan, even though they are typically terrible. I love seeing men experience freedom from sexual sin and finding what they’ve always been looking for in the love they have in Jesus. I blog at and host The Flip Side Podcast.

Lewis Hayden

I married my wife in 2001. We have 2 daughters that are grown and have kids of their own now. My walk has been the definition of how Satan can step in and mess things up. Beyond the Battle helped me to see things in a different way. The community from the Beyond the Battle groups is amazing as well. Like-minded men seeking answers and direction in a safe group. My faith walk started in high school, but never truly developed until I was in my 30’s. Getting connected in the church I attended allowed my relationship with God to quickly grow. Eventually leading me to pursue what it looks like to work in ministry. I have taken the Beyond the Battle online group twice with Noah and have also led a group in my home.

Matt B – Profile
Matt Bushart

I’ve been married since 2015.  We have one boy and two girls.  During my teen years, my passion for living a life dedicated to God grew immensely.  However, so did the temptation of pornography.  This was something I struggled with off and on for many years ahead of marriage to my incredible wife.  Then a relapse happened.  Shame and guilt unloaded onto me like an avalanche, and my wife and I had some very tough conversations filled with heartbreak, frustration, and tears.  God placed Beyond the Battle into my life through my wife (NO JOKE).  When we were going through one of the hardest points of our marriage due to my relapse, she suggested I check out Beyond the Battle as she was familiar with it through knowing of Noah.  I did not hesitate to sign up and get into a group.  The content, relationships, and shared resolve were life changing.  Now, my prayer is that God would use me as He sees fit to guide others through the tough seasons that so many of us have experienced or are experiencing currently.  As for some fun facts, I am a Project Manager in the Lansing, MI area.  My most favorite thing to do is spend time with my family traveling, checking out new things, and getting outside.  I also like NASCAR, Nerd Gummies, and lots of Coffee.  I look forward to getting to know you.  Welcome!  

Phil Mast

I’m currently single, God has blessed me with beautiful twin girls, and we live in Trenton, MI.  I attend Wyandotte Family Church in Wyandotte, MI. Being raised in a Christian home, I found God at a young age.  In the late 90’s, I attended Rhema Bible Training Center in Oklahoma.  From that point, my life felt like one continuous roller coaster ride.  Sometimes up, but mostly down.  Shame and guilt because of poor decisions played a major role as to why. I feel like Noah’s book and online group is a game-changer for helping guys overcome their struggles with unwanted sexual behavior.  The overall message behind this is finding our identity in Christ. I believe connection/community (not living in isolation) and finding our identity in Christ are two of the most important factors in overcoming sin, especially in the sexual arena. I want to help encourage men be defined by the voice of the Father which will help them live a victorious life in Christ.

Jeff Penner

I currently reside in Houston, TX with my wife of 6 years. We attend City Church Houston and I operate my own home remodeling/handyman business. My recovery journey began in early 2021. I started by attending Celebrate Recovery where I first experienced what true accountability looked like from a faithful man who was my sponsor. After gaining some steps in recovery, I heard about Noah’s group through a podcast. The group allowed me to meet other men who didn’t just want to get rid of their unwanted behavior, but wanted to grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. After BTB I started attending a 7 Pillars group with Pure Desire and I am so grateful for the growing opportunity to help others in my church, and across the world through Beyond the Battle.

Rick Rodriguez

I’m currently single and have three grown children, and one beautiful grandbaby. I reside near Detroit. I became a believer in my senior year of high school. I attended Emmaus Bible College in the 80’s and was a preschool teacher for 30 years….Yep, preschool! I have been on my recovery journey since January 2020. I was part of a Seven Pillars group through Pure Desire Ministries and have found there are some keys to walking in sobriety and growing in my faith. God’s work has been miraculous. God is using people and resources like Beyond the Battle to transform me to the man I was made to be. I was introduced to Beyond the Battle and Noah through a podcast. The book blew my mind as it explained a lot of the issues that had sabotaged my thoughts and family life. My greatest desire is to help other men choose a life walk that is honoring to the Lord and saves them from the despair of sexual bondage. I am a traveler on this road and hope to steer men to the transforming power of Jesus.

Who leads the group and how much access to Noah do I get?

Each group is led by a trained and experienced Beyond the Battle leader.  Noah will join your group in-person for your first and last session.  The first is to help you be comfortable in your group and the last is to help with any unanswered questions or concerns you have after completing the material.  Noah will be walking with your group leader throughout each week.  Your group leader will receive your Accountability Cards and Noah will be there to help him reply to anything you’re going through, as needed. Noah leads the (free) weekly alumni group that you’ll be invited into once you finish your 7-week group.